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5 Things You Need To Know

Jackson Square New Orleans Location

Jackson Square is located in the heart of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. It's in the French Quarter, a historic neighborhood known for its vibrant culture and architecture. This square is a central point in the city and a popular destination for both tourists and locals.

St. Louis Cathedral - Things to do

The St. Louis Cathedral is a famous and historic church located in Jackson Square, New Orleans. It's an iconic symbol of the city and is known for its stunning architecture. The cathedral is the oldest continuously active Roman Catholic cathedral in the United States. Its three spires and elegant design make it a prominent landmark in the French Quarter. Many people visit the St. Louis Cathedral not only for its religious significance but also to appreciate its beauty and the peaceful atmosphere inside. It's a must-see attraction when exploring Jackson Square and the surrounding area in New Orleans.

New Orleans Jackson Square Hours

Jackson Square is open every day of the week for visitors to enjoy. In the warmer months, which is during daylight savings time, you can explore the square from 8am to 7pm. However, when winter comes around, the hours change slightly, and it's open from 8am to 6pm. So, plan your visit accordingly to make the most of this historic and picturesque location in the heart of New Orleans.


Jackson Square in New Orleans has a rich history dating back to the city's founding in the early 18th century. Here's an overview:

Foundation: The square was originally laid out in 1721, making it one of the oldest public squares in the United States. It was initially called "Place d'Armes" during the French colonial period.

Name Change: In 1814, after the Battle of New Orleans, it was renamed Jackson Square in honor of General Andrew Jackson, who became a hero during that battle. A prominent statue of Jackson on horseback stands in the square.

Religious Significance: The St. Louis Cathedral, which faces the square, was completed in 1794 and is one of the oldest cathedrals in the United States. It adds to the historical and religious significance of the square.

Art and Culture: Jackson Square has long been a hub for artists, musicians, and street performers. This tradition dates back to the 1920s and continues to this day, contributing to the square's vibrant atmosphere.

Historic Buildings: Surrounding the square are historic buildings, some of which date back to the 18th century. The Cabildo and the Presbytère are two notable structures that now house museums.

Tourist Attraction: Over the years, Jackson Square has become a popular tourist attraction, drawing visitors from around the world who come to admire its architecture, art, and the lively street scene.

Preservation: In the 20th century, efforts were made to preserve and protect the historic nature of Jackson Square and its surroundings. It was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1960.

Restaurants on the Square

Here are some restaurants near Jackson Square in New Orleans:

Monty's on the Square: Monty's is a popular eatery offering various Creole and Cajun dishes. It's a great place to savor traditional New Orleans flavors.

Fives: Fives is known for its contemporary American cuisine with a touch of Southern flair. The restaurant offers a stylish dining experience near the square.

Stanley of New Orleans: Stanley is a classic diner-style restaurant that serves delicious breakfast and brunch options. It's a local favorite and a great spot for a morning meal.

Cafe Pontalba: Cafe Pontalba is located right on Jackson Square and offers a menu featuring French and Creole specialties. It's a lovely place to dine with a view of the square.

The Corner Oyster House: This restaurant specializes in seafood, including oysters and other Gulf Coast delights. It's a great choice for seafood lovers.

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